There is no time like the present to be "born again" into The Kingdom of God. In these days, we are seeing the restoration of the Melchizedek Order of king and priest in the earth. Yehshua, our savior, has officiated at the altar in the temple of Heaven and continues for eternity.
We believe in Yahweh, God the Father.
We believe in Yehshua, Yahweh's only begotten Son, that He sent to the earth for mankind’s redemption.
We believe in Ruach Kodesh, The Holy Ghost, that Yehshua sent to us to be our Helper and our Comforter.
We believe that He was sent to reveal all that He and The Father are doing in the Heavens this day, and how we too can do what we see them do.
We believe in the gifts Yahweh gave to the Ekklesia or church: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, for the maturing of the saints in the faith, according to Ephesians 4:11.
We believe in the ever-increasing Kingdom of Yahweh here on earth. Our revelation of all that Yahweh has for us is ever-increasing, from glory to glory.
We believe that Yehshua defeated death, hell, and the grave. He gave us the right to "come up here", meaning that we have the right to see the Father and His city Zion in this day and age. To walk and talk with Yahweh in the cool of the day, and to engage in face-to-face relationship with Him. We have access again into the glory realms of our Father, Yahweh.
We believe in the family of Yahweh. We are all joined by Yehshua to Yahweh as the family of God.
Mighty Arm Ministries / Remnant Warrior Ministries
11349 Skimmer Ct Jacksonville, FL 32225 US
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